保固& RMA 政策 (中文版)


本文件之目的為訂定產品保固及服務政策,提供客戶做RMA 退回的依據。並且減少因誤判所產生之RMA 成本以及提供快速的返修以增加顧客滿意度。本文件所包含的資訊若有所變更,恕不另行通知。




  • DOA (Dead on Arrival ): 出貨日起30 天內,且經測試後,無法開機或是無法顯示之不良品。
  • RMA (Returned Material Authorization) : 出貨日起超過30 天之後並在保證期限內之不良品。


  • 保固期: 產品保固期標準為1年(條件限制)。各產品系列若有不同則依產品型錄為主。
  • 保固並不包含因誤用、意外損害、不正常的超量使用、疏失、濫用、修改、不正確的安裝、未經授權的維修或修改、不正確的測試、或產品本身以外的因素,包括但不限於:超出使用規格的溫度或溼度、斷電、電流突波、或是意外的災難。
  • 保固並不包含消耗品、附件、所提供之軟體、非原始購買客戶或是拍賣經銷之產品。
  • 宏浩創新科技有限公司並不提供沒有或不完整產品序號貼紙之產品保固。
  • 出貨日起 30 天內,且經測試後,無法開機或是無法顯示之產品視為DOA 產品。
  • 出貨日 30 天後,而在保固期限內的瑕疵品視為 RMA。

DOA 期間的服務

  • DOA 產品經回廠測試過後,若功能正常將不予以替換,且因運送此功能正常之產品而衍生之費用,將由貴客戶負擔。
  • DOA 退回之產品,應保持原包裝,且配件需完整(如 cables, CD, 及手冊)。否則按照正常 RMA 品處理.(原物來, 原物回)。

RMA 期間的服務

  • 在保固期限內的第一年,RMA 的維修費及零件費完全免費,但是,若由於貴客戶不當使用所造成的不良將酌收維修費(零件費用另計)
  • 運送 RMA 產品返回宏浩創新科技有限公司由貴客戶負責。
  • 保固期限內,宏浩創新科技有限公司負責將 RMA 產品運送回貴客戶端,保固期限外 RMA 產品運費將由貴客戶承擔。
  • 保固期限外,宏浩創新科技有限公司有權拒絕提供維修服務。若提供維修服務時,將酌收維修費(零件費用另計) ,且來回運費全部由貴客戶負擔。
  • 若無維修,本公司將酌收單件商品檢測處理費(NT$600.)
  • 檢測後本公司會先對客戶報價,報價中包含維修費、零件費等費用,由客戶決定是否付費維修。如需要維修,請先依報價單確認簽回 (視同訂單) ,產品修復後送回並附上發票。
  • 送至國外原廠之運費及檢測費依品牌不同之RMA條款而有異。需另行報價。
  • 請妥善包裝您的維修品(儘可能使用原產品包裝箱),本公司並不負運送過程中造成之損壞保固及運送遺失之責任。
  • 本維修服務不包含協助備份或刪除或回復送修產品內之任何資料及設定,請於送修前務必自行將資料備份或刪除,因資料於維修過程可能遺失或毀損,維修中心就送修產品內資料及設定之遺失或毀損不負任何賠償或回復責任。
  • 產品在保固期限或保固條款範圍以外,簽名或者蓋章回傳報價單即代表接受本公司保固條款及維修條款。

Warranty & RMA Policy


The purpose of this procedure is to set up the warranty and service policy of VASTi Technologies products for customers to reference while handling RMA cases. These procedures are for: 1) the reduction of RMA costs resulting from misjudgments, and 2) facilitating quicker response times for increased customer satisfaction. The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice.


The procedures presented in this document apply to all products sold by VASTi Technologies Co., Ltd..


  • DOA (Dead on Arrival ): Products are considered as DOA if during the first 30 days from the shipping date conclusive tests are performed that result in No Post or No Display.
  • RMA (Returned Material Authorization) : Products found to be defective 30 days after the shipping date and within the warranty are eligible for RMA returns.


  • Warranty: The standard product warranty period is one year (subject to conditions). If the product series with different warranty terms, please refer to the product catalog.
  • The warranty does not cover damage resulting from: misuse, accidental damage, abnormal overloading use, negligence, abuse, revisions, improper setup, illegal repair or revisions, improper testing, over temperature/humidity specification, power surges, power spikes, power loss, natural disasters, or acts of God.
  • Products not covered by the warranty include consumable products, accessories, software, and second-hand products.
  • Products with a missing or damaged serial number label are not covered by the warranty.
  • Products are considered as DOA if during the first 30 days from the shipping date conclusive tests are performed that result in No Post or No Display.
  • After 30 days from the shipping date, defective products covered within the warranty are considered as RMA.

Service during DOA Period

  • No replacements will be provided if VASTi Technologies finds that the returned DOA products function properly after VASTi Technologies tests the products. In addition, the returned shipping costs for those non-defective DOA products will be at the customer’s expense.
  • DOA products should be returned in the original packaging and with all of the original accessories (cables, CD, and manual). Otherwise, the products will be considered as RMA (Return as received).

Service during RMA Period

  • Repair of in-warranty RMA products is free of charge for both labor costs and components for the 1st year. However, repair fees will be charged, if the repairs are for problems resulting from any improper handling and/or utilization. Additionally, component costs will be charged separately.
  • Both the shipping method and shipping costs of RMA products being returned to VASTi Technologies is the responsibility of the customer.
  • VASTi Technologies will be responsible for both the shipping method and shipping costs of RMA products (in the warranty period) being sent back to the customer. Shipping costs for returning out-of-warranty RMA products is at the customer’s expense.
  • VASTi Technologies has the right to reject to provide repair services for products no longer in warranty. If VASTi Technologies chooses to provide repair services, the customer will be charged for the repair fees, and component fees. Additionally, the customer will be responsible for all shipping costs.
  • A test fee of NT$600 will be charged for each item if no repair is performed.
  • After inspection, VASTi Technologies will provide a quote, which includes repair fees, parts fees, and other charges. The customer will decide whether to pay for the repair. If repair is required, please confirm and sign the quote (considered as an order). The product will be returned after repair with an invoice.
  • Shipping and inspection fees for returns to the overseas factory vary depending on the brand’s RMA policy. An additional quote has to be provided.
  • Please package your repair items securely (using the original product packaging box if possible). We are not responsible for damage or loss during shipping.
  • This repair service does not include assistance with backing up, deleting, or restoring any data or settings on the product being submitted for repair. Please ensure you back up or delete your data before submitting the product. Data may be lost or damaged during the repair process. The repair center is not responsible for any loss or damage to data or settings on the product submitted for repair.
  • By signing or stamping the quotation, you agree to our warranty and repair terms for products outside the warranty period or warranty terms.

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